Category: Faith

  • Faith Expressed in Celebration

    Each year during the season of Advent the Gustavus community celebrates its Christian and Lutheran heritage through the annual Christmas in Christ Chapel.

  • Service Award Winners

    On behalf of the Gustavus Adolphus College Association of Congregations (GACAC), President Jim Peterson will present the 2007 Service Award during daily chapel at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 30 to Donn H. Escher ’50 and Ellen Ruiters ’97.

  • Archived Lindau Symposium Webcast

    The symposium featured The Rev. Richard John Neuhaus and his talk “Religion in American Public Life.” Those that missed the event and live webcast will be able to watch the archived video at

  • Students on a Global Mission

    Anna Shallue, Justin Haaheim, and Adam Stubbendick are not your typical college graduates. These individuals are currently serving as mission workers in different corners of the world.

  • 2007 Covenant Award Presentation

    The Covenant Award celebrates the efforts of individuals who have made distinctive contributions towards strengthening the partnership between Gustavus and member congregations of the College’s Association of Congregations.

  • The ‘eyes and ears’ of the chapel

    Through “Apprenticeship of Christ Chapel,” a unique program that helps mentor students and aid them in the discovery and cultivation of their faith, students become more involved in chapel life.

  • All Are Welcome

    Gustie grad David Scherer has created JUMP, Joint Urban Ministries in Praise, a worship service designed to communicate to urban youth.

  • Keeping the Faith

    Junior Matt Swenson’s enthusiasm and energy benefit new student faith organizations.