Month: September 2009
Building Community
If you have visited Gustavus Adolphus College in the past year you have probably noticed a change to the college’s landscape.
Gustavus Being Green
Environmental sustainability is taken seriously at Gustavus Adolphus College. The Linnaeus Arboretum and the Environmental Studies program have long demonstrated the college’s commitment to environmental education.
Summer Research Adds Value
Student summer research projects were highlighted at the Fall Research Symposium, held on Friday, Sept. 7, in Nobel Hall of Science.
Stadium Opens on Saturday
Once September rolls around, a person can take certain things for granted. School buses start traversing neighborhood streets, leaves begin to turn bright and beautiful colors, and football season kicks-off at stadiums across the country.
Summer Speech Institute a Success
The College held its first Summer Speech Institute Aug. 5-10. The six-day institute offered intense forensics training in the areas of oral interpretation of literature, public address, and extemporaneous speaking.
Shave and a Haircut, for Service?
Service is a core value that Gustavus Adolphus College community members take seriously, but this month David Menk took it to a new level.
Archived Lindau Symposium Webcast
The symposium featured The Rev. Richard John Neuhaus and his talk “Religion in American Public Life.” Those that missed the event and live webcast will be able to watch the archived video at
Students on a Global Mission
Anna Shallue, Justin Haaheim, and Adam Stubbendick are not your typical college graduates. These individuals are currently serving as mission workers in different corners of the world.
Social Ties Need Strengthening
Karen Larson, professor of anthropology and interdisciplinary studies at Gustavus Adolphus College, was featured in the St. Paul Pioneer Press following the tragedy at Virginia Tech.
Gusties Help National Bandy Team
The USA National Bandy Team won its second consecutive B-Pool Gold Medal Championship at the 2007 World Bandy Championships in Kemerovo, Russia.