By Hanna Schutte ’11
Fifty years ago, a class of 188 people completed their studies at Gustavus Adolphus College. Things were different then—tuition was $900 a year, there were 24 major choices, and none of the buildings on campus was disability accessible. This presented a challenge for 1958 graduate Barbara Andrews, who lived with cerebral palsy, but that did not stop her from obtaining a degree from Gustavus, attending Luther Seminary, and becoming the first female Lutheran pastor in Minnesota. In honor of Andrews, the Class of 1958 has decided to raise money to make Christ Chapel accessible for those with physical disabilities.
Andrews, who grew up in Minneapolis, was well known on campus and made a lasting impression on her classmates. “I remember when we lived on the fourth floor, and Barbara had to be carried up the stairs to come to our Christmas party,” said classmate Carolyn Engquist. Andrews was described as having spirit and appreciation for those who helped her, including classmates who carried her up the stairs to classes and chapel. Christ Chapel would not be built until 1962, and required daily services were held in the “Aud”—a building with an auditorium, pipe organ
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